In a world reshaped by global catastrophe, the remnants of humanity forge ahead in the last habitable land on the planet. Seventy-five years later, Humanity City has become a pinnacle of survival. Led by its Prime Matriarch, the city thrives in a delicate balance between modified ancestral tech and the traditions that stave off madness induced by the harsh reality of the environment, which is affecting its male population. Conflicting ideologies emerge as the population grows, resources diminish, and a 70-year water treaty is jeopardized.
Tensions rise, and sabotage ensues when an accidental whistle-blower inadvertently exposes sensitive information that leaves the delicate balance of Humanity City teetering on a precarious edge. Amidst the turmoil, the city's fate rests on Blood-bound witnesses—nano-tech-enhanced female children shaping society's decisions by capturing the un-compromised reality of this world. But, the power struggle intensifies when Amiyah, a fledgling Blood-bound witness, captures a miraculous event that contradicts the established order, revealing an underground rebellion and deceit.
As Amiyah navigates the treacherous politics of survival, the city is forced to grapple with the repercussions of broken treaties and internal strife, and the inhabitants must confront uncomfortable truths in their pursuit of a new, honest existence. The fate of Humanity City hangs in the balance!